Tuesday, 8 November 2016


1) Which do you think worked most successfully as a design? Why?
the horror one worked better because it was more related to the picture. 

2) Show your fruitbowls to the person next to you and get a WWW and an EBI feedback point from them. Write this on your blog with their name. 
WWW. you used the colours on the picture
EBI. use a picture with more colours
3) What have you learned about Photoshop? Write out the instructions for another student who has not used Photoshop before. This will help you to revise the skills you have learned.

4) Pick 5 colours and google the CONNOTATIONS of these colours. Add this information to your blog. 
5) If you finish all of the above, make a mood board for your theme. Does it match your fruit bowl? How can you tell?

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