Thursday, 1 December 2016


This year what i found interesting about media this year is when we were learning about different camera shots and i really liked when we were doing the fruit bowl it was really fun.Something i have found difficult is the Photoshop because there are so many thing to choose from  

Blog feedback

1)            The storyboard shows a good range of camera shots and you have written what you have included in each one although you could add more about how this makes your audience feel eg establishing shots to show the setting and close ups to show the emotion of the person in the shot. You have simply stated what is in the shot you have chosen.
2)            Your audience profile sheet and fruit bowl task show that you have the potential to be good at Photoshop which is encouraging for your upcoming coursework.

1)            Please concentrate on making the work that goes on your blog your BEST possible work. That means not rushing it and taking your time and also finishing things off in Media after school or at home. You need to try and use more media language and you can only do this if you have your notebook open at all times when working on your blog so that you can remind yourself of what key words (such as demographic and connotation) mean.
2)            You are missing A GREAT DEAL of work from your blog – see above where I have highlighted what is missing or unfinished. This is simply not good enough and risks whether or not you should continue with GCSE Media Studies. I know that you had two blogs at one time so you might need to check they are all in the same place but there is a HIGE AMOUNT of missing work. Please publish anything that is in draft form so that I can see it. Anything that is not finished in class HAS to be finished for homework and posted up or you will be in Media detention every day until you are up to date. You will also be unable to participate in the Photo Shoot if you have not caught up.

Learner Response
1)            Copy and paste the above WWW and EBI into a new blog post entitled ‘Responding to Blog Feedback’
2)            Please finish all work that is not finished and publish it.
3)            Write a paragraph telling me what you have found interesting so far in Media and what has been your favourite task. What do you think you have done well in?
4)            Write a paragraph telling me what you have found difficult so far in Media and what has been your least favourite task. What skills do you think you need to practise?

5)            Write a new blog post entitled ‘My Photo Shoot shopping List’ where you write down all the props and costume that you need for next week’s photo shoot. What camera angles will you use and who is going to be your model? What pose will they be in? 

Tuesday, 8 November 2016


                                         This advert is about risking everything and it is meant                                                                              for people like teenagers and it is also for boys and some                                                                        girls who like football and are trying to say take risks


1)Teenage boys who are sporty
2)Men in their thirties who care about their appearance
4)Old people with disposable income to go on holidays
5)Families who like spending time togethe


1) Which do you think worked most successfully as a design? Why?
the horror one worked better because it was more related to the picture. 

2) Show your fruitbowls to the person next to you and get a WWW and an EBI feedback point from them. Write this on your blog with their name. 
WWW. you used the colours on the picture
EBI. use a picture with more colours
3) What have you learned about Photoshop? Write out the instructions for another student who has not used Photoshop before. This will help you to revise the skills you have learned.

4) Pick 5 colours and google the CONNOTATIONS of these colours. Add this information to your blog. 
5) If you finish all of the above, make a mood board for your theme. Does it match your fruit bowl? How can you tell?

editing task

                                                                Fast And Furious 7

                   Fast and furious 7 is an action film and it has a lot of cuts in it and it is very
                   fast cutting so it shows that it is fast.and it has alot of diffrent camera shots
                   such as long shots,stable shot,medium shots and alot more and the shots are
                   very fast to represent the cars and guns

the riots

Image result for riots in londondenotation= this picture shows a young boy who is
setting things on fire and breaking things in the street. he is wearing hoodie and covering his face to hide his identity

connotation= he is looking at the camera very agressevly. But he might just be taking a picture and show how people are in the riots

posative= they might be helping clean the floor thats why they have covered thier face and also they are wearing gloves so they dont get their
                                                                                    hands dirty.

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Story board

                                         This photo is a medium close up shot and this
                                         picture is Abdi when he comes out to the boxing 
                                         ring to fight.

                                          This photo is a medium close up shot and this
                                         picture is Anas when he comes out to the boxing 
                                         ring to fight.  

                                          this is just a medium shot when Anas and Abdi 
                                          go face to  face and about to fight.
                                          This picture is a long shot it is during the fight 
                                          when Anas punched Abdi on the chin. 

This picture is also a long shot this is when Anas
 won and he is celebrating his win.

this is a extream close up this is when Abdi was 
knocked out by Anas.
This is also a extream close up and also a long shot
when Abdi was knocked out.

                                          This is a birds eye view shot because you can see
                                          the ending of the boxing match for a high area.

Monday, 19 September 2016

deadpool LIAR

Deadpool LIAR
Language- The setting is an explosive scene 
this shows that the movie will be about fighting
and killing. Something else is the characters 
is stood in a funny way so u can know that this
film is also about comedy

Institution-the poster shoes when the film is going to be released and it also tells you that you can watch it in 3D. it say that that the movie is by marvel.

Audience-the audience would like to watch this movie because it looks interesting and it a action movie also the movie is child friendly so people over 6 can watch the movie.  

Representation- the layout of the poster is very good because the background is about the movie and all the information is written clearly and there will be no confusion about the movie or the poster. 

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

my first media homework

1) Which part of the course are you looking forward to most?
I am looking forward to make a music video.  
2) What knowledge and skills do you hope to learn in Media?
  Learn to edit videos and pictures.
3) What grade are you realistically hoping to achieve in Media?
  I am looking forward to getting a B.
4) What was the last TV programme or film you watched?
5) Why do you think that TV programme or film appealed to an audience?

6) What technology have you used to access the media in the last 24 hours? (Radio, TV, phone etc.)
7) What device do you use most to access the media?
8) Watch this clip from acclaimed BBC drama series Sherlock:

9) What do we learn about the characters from this brief clip?

10) What aspects of this show do you think an audience might enjoy? List at least three things and explain why the audience would enjoy each aspect.